It’s International Happiness Day – Here’s an Audio Gift for You

It’s March 20th and International Happiness Day. This day was created by the United Nations proclaiming the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental human goal – that social, economic and environmental well-being are indivisible and together they define gross global happiness. Very nice concept. I like it. Everyone deserves to pursue and practice happiness, if they wish.

As a Happiness and Positive Leadership Coach, I am certainly proud to be part of this huge movement of positive energy.

For those of you who only know me from this blog, my “day job” is in the corporate world.

I’ve spent almost 25 years working and studying organizations of all kinds to help them increase their Customer and Employee Happiness. I can tell you one thing of which I am certain: The happier the organization internally the happier the customers, suppliers and communities externally.

Today I am joining with my colleague, friend and coach Carolyn Watt, The Chief Experience Officer of The Customer Experience Company to share with you a 42 minute audio presentation we call Happiness 101: What Science Can Tell You About Seeing the Glass as Half Full  

It’s about your personal Happiness and Well-being. Sit back, relax and enjoy the 9 Key Happiness Concepts we share with you today. You can listen to it here. Happiness Day 2014 Final

We trust you will walk away feeling a little uplifted and with some more tools in your pocket for creating happiness in your life and in the lives of others.  Please share this with your friends!



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