The Power Pause

Your days as a leader are jam-packed with people, process and sometimes problems. It’s entirely possible that no matter what your INTENTION to stay positive, – the ever present gnawing negativity coming from the outside world right through your phone, might be knocking you off kilter.

What’s a Positive Energizer to do? It’s your job to keep that culture of yours positive – but how do you do that when it feels like the whole world’s going crazy?

You stop. You set a timer for 2 – 3 minutes. You close the door, you close your eyes and you breathe. You take 3 conscious breaths deep into your belly while holding your hand on your heart. This calms your central nervous system. This gives you access to the higher, more creative brain functions. (Yes, it’s neuroscience!)

Then you ask yourself questions like:How am I feeling? Am I in alignment with purpose and intention to create a positive environment?

If the answer’s “no” then – then ask yourself, “how would I rather be feeling?”                                                                                                                            

Then ask (while still breathing) “What’s the easiest and most useful way to get there?”

“What can I focus on that will elevate my mood? And that of others?”

Ask a few simple questions of possibility, then sit quietly, and see what emerges.

Repeat as often necessary!

You CAN do it! Stay calm, stay centered, and stay positive.

Other questions you might enjoy trying using during a Power Pause

What could be different here?  What can I be grateful for? How could this not suck?

How can I be more flexible? I don’t know what to do but if I did, what would it be?

What would be the pathway of least resistance? Is that the right path now?

It’s tough to stay steady and calm in today’s world. This little “Positivity Practice” can help tremendously to keep you cool, even when feeling the heat! Let me know how it works for you! It’s the one I turn to most often.

Here’s to taking many deep breaths during the day!

C.2019 JoAnna Brandi & Company, Inc.


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